But I can’t deny that this specific scene in Ace Venture is transphobic, and unfortunately, there are discussions that need to be had about why.

My favorite type of humor was and still is that kind of slapstick comedy that you also find in Carrey’s Dumb and Dumber and The Mask. The Ace Ventura movies, including the sequel Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, were my favorite movies growing up because I’ve always been a massive fan of Jim Carrey. Why is the first ace ventura movie not cancelled? its clearly a transphobic movie. I mean, how shallow can an actor be who voices a line about “your gun is digging into my hip.” The nerve!!!🙄 Waiting for Jim Carey to get cancelled for playing Ace Ventura. Social Media Cancels Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Ventura strips her down in front of the entire crowd, humiliating her by exposing her “trans agenda,” to which his actions are met with applause. People on social media have been calling for this movie to be canceled because that specific scene wasn’t emphasizing how Einhorn was the culprit, but more on the fact that she had transitioned from a man to a woman. The movie shows Ventura scrubbing himself when he realizes that Einhorn was actually a trans woman, and the entire final scene is built on the comedic revealing to the entire football team and the entire police force that Einhorn is actually a man. The issue arises when Ventura is seen freaking out that he had previously kissed Einhorn out of tension during a heated moment they had while arguing about the case. He had soon escaped, transforming into Lois Einhorn so that he could execute his elaborate plan to tear down the Dolphins.

Finkle was never able to move past when he messed up the Dolphin’s chances at winning the championship trophy and was sent to a mental hospital.

Lois Einhorn, the police chief who detests Ventura for always intervening in their cases, is actually the culprit behind Snowflake’s kidnapping, as it’s revealed that she is actually the shunned Miami Dolphin football player, Ray Finkle.